We will fully administer your company’s drug and alcohol testing programs at or below the testing costs you are paying now while putting additional compliance controls and safety nets in place that only a DOT expert would understand the need for.


Our safety department outsourcing options cost significantly less than keeping the function in-house. Our clients tell us that we do the job at 35-40% of the in-house cost.


Transportation Safety Services and SafetyInfo Inc. have now partnered to bring our members the best of both worlds in safety. In the coming months, we will be working closely with SafetyInfo to develop even more trucking-industry- specific resources to help keep you DOT & OSHA compliant!

Driver Qualification File Management Service

DQ File Management

Maintain compliance with FMCSR Part 391 and have consistent, centralized management of your driver qualification administration.

Managing your files through the Driver Qualification (DQ) Service reduces the risks of any issues occurring from outdated Department of Transportation driver documentation. Through working with our dedicated team to manage your account, your company and DOT required driver documents will be easily  organized and maintained.

Partnering with Transportation Safety Services to manage your compliance will free you up to focus your attention where you want it to be - on your motor carrier business.

Be compliant, minimize risk and exposure to audits or interventions. With Transportation Safety Services you can have complete confidence that you are compliant. Transportation Safety Services  closely monitors federal regulations and provides comprehensive regulatory guidance on how potential issues can impact your motor carrier companies specific situation.

* Reduce overhead - Lower administrative costs related to driver qualification management.

* Standardize processes - Processes will be standardized and consistent across your operating locations.

* Improve CSA Driver Fitness scores - Transportation Safety Services  helps you improve your CSA Driver Fitness scores by ensuring your drivers are qualified to be driving.

* Be proactive - Receive daily notifications of DQ file deficiencies and advance notice of expiring documents, helping you fix deficiencies before they become liabilities.

* Get reports 24/7 - All your driver files are kept in one centralized database and you have access all file contents and reporting 24/7 through your secure Client Information Center portal.

* Audit support - In the event of an audit or intervention Transportation Safety Services experts will provide guidance throughout the process.

* Meet record keeping requirements - Your files will be retained and purged according to regulatory timelines.

 To learn more about our comprehensive programs, contact us online  or call us at (251) 661-9700.

Transportation Safety Services
27540 World Court, Suite A
Daphne, AL 36526
Phone: (251) 661-9700
Fax: (251) 661-9667

Email us:
General Inquiries
TSS Billing Inquiries
TSS Consortium & Testing Billing Inquiries

Meet Company President,
Lane VanIngen

Who better to work for you than a former motor carrier safety and compliance specialist for the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)? Meet Lane VanIngen, Transportation Safety Services President and Founder. Learn how our experience makes all the difference.